PDSA.. Do vs. Act? LO23109

John Zavacki (jzavacki@greenapple.com)
Wed, 3 Nov 1999 06:01:20 -0500

Replying to LO23092 --

Josi makes an elegant (and to my mind, highly accurate) point:

> IMHO the Deming (as we know PDSA) Cycle has a lot of similarities with
> Argyris' single and double-loop learning. Would any of you agree that
> "ACT" is a type of double-loop learning, meaning that once
> you've "DONE"
> and reviewed ("STUDIED") the results, the feedback might
> raise the need
> for improvements upon the previous "PLAN", which is the heart of the
> continuous improvement theory.

If any of you have read "The New Economics", you'll understand that for
Deming, PDSA is the distillation of the theory of knowledge to a useful,
practical method for teaching and learning in the triple roles of
supplier, producer, and customer. Deming studied behavioral and cognitive
psychology (as well as a lot of other things) and used the terms "Theory
of Learning" and "Psychology" in very interesting ways.

If we understand variation, and have an appreciation for systems, we can
see it.

John Zavacki
jzavacki@greenapple.com <mailto:jzavacki@greenapple.com>


"John Zavacki" <jzavacki@greenapple.com>

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