Dear Gavin,
>Einstein said that when you try pick up something
>in the universe you find everything else attached to it.
Yes, yes!
The flutter of the buttefly's wings changes the world.
But, Gavin...
Einstein picked a piece of that whole world to work on.
He could be not be a physicist, and a mathematician, and a violinist, and a
Zionist and...
a chemist, and a dancer, and a poet, and an astronaut...
And those of us with lesser gifts pick an even smaller chunk of this
all=-connected world to try to understand, and help.
And we try to master vocabularies that enlighten, and tools that help.
And if we are given tools that seem blunt and language that seems fuzzy we
try to sharpen the tools, or abandon them, and pick a rhetoric that seems
more useful.
Be well.
--Steve Eskow <>
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