Dear Gavin,
As a former Marketing academic who is now involved in workplace training,
I appreciate your comments. However, did the members of the Doctoral
Committee have any knowledge or publications relating to your Research
Topic? If not, then may I suggest do what others do, find a University
which can match your specific needs. I know that it can be a rough trek to
do so.
Glebe Stcherbina
EdD Candidate
The University of Sydney
Gavin Ritz wrote:
> How about this one, I presented a doctoral proposal to a specific
> university in new Zealand and the professors on the doctoral committee
> could not understand what I was talking about, and believe me the subject
> was pretty simple. Then I suppose there are no research universities in NZ
> at all. God help our seats of unlearning, reductionsists all them.
> Gavin Ritz <>
--Glebe Stcherbina <>
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