What makes an excellent University department? LO23164

Pixie Delite (pixie_delite@hotmail.com)
Mon, 08 Nov 1999 12:09:49 PST

Replying to LO23105 --

Intersting comment Gavin..and I know what you mean because I study in one
of these NZ unis.

However, I think once again, culture has a lot to do with it. What I mean
is that what happens within an organization is affected majorly by the
socialn etworks and national (and not only industry) culture that is
prevelant. NZ is a country that no doubt falls into the developed world
sector but i really have my doubts about it being high on the literacy
scale. Just because we area nation where english is the main language does
not make us an more literate than a non-english speaking country!!

The culture of apathy and being happy in what little we know is a national
culture...thinkign we are so smart just 'cuz we are not like the ads on tv
about poor hungry people dying all over the world in the so called 3d
world countries.

The national culture reminds me of the frog in a pond scenario.....the
frog never knew what existed outside its pond cuz for it the pond was the
universe and centre of all!!!

joy (MMS student)
waikato university
new zealand


"Pixie Delite" <pixie_delite@hotmail.com>

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