I had a look at your chart, thank you for offering. Just one comment: You
write of adding value for the customer as center of customer orientation.
For me the concept of adding value is not customer oriented. No customer
buys added value. Customer buy value!
So whenever I want to stress the customer focus, I insist on talking of
creating value, not adding value.
Once you know how you are going to create value, this is often done
practically in a "value chain", where at each step "value is added". This
is then a completely internal view - and not even too helpful: If one
scraps a product at step 3, what was the added value at step 1 and 2?
Nothing but a waste of time and effort. Whether value has been added in a
certain step can only be determined AFTER the customer bought the final
Think if over and decide whether you want to distinguish between
(mainstream internal oriented) adding value and (revolutionary customer
oriented) creating value.
Liebe Gruesse,
--"Winfried Dressler" <>
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