Dear Tricia and other readers
You connected the PDCA cycle with the learning cycle of Kolb. IMHO PDCA
just states a double action-reaction mechanism (PD en CA), while the
Kolb-cycle is "wider": it also visits, what i call, the world of ideas and
the world of emotion, feelings, thereby introducing creativity,
innovation, values and co-operation.
I agree with you that we all have different preferred learning styles and
usually add that the differences in our peferred learning style, being
mostly implicit and integrated in our personalities ("the way we sound"),
acting sub-conciously, are the cause for the resistance to change. The
learning styles "colour" the way you perceive reality.
As an interesting illustration, and as a matter of fact, i once saw an
actual clock with the PDCA-cycle printed on the four quadrants.
Participants of a course on TQM had received it as a reminder. The two
colours used on the clock were red and blue: these are the colours
associated with the unitary (blue: principle, time and money or rule-based
reality) reality and sensory (red: action, facts, data, exeperiences)
reality. Also, the fact that a clock is used (the symbol of time = money
management) a souvenir .. briljant. The other two realities (yellow and
green) were omitted.
Kind regards,
Jan Lelie
> > IMHO the Deming (as we know PDSA) Cycle has a lot of similarities with
> > Argyris' single and double-loop learning.
> I think it harks back to David Kolb's learning cycle of Experience (do),
> Reflect (Study), Develop theories (Act?), Plan (Plan). It basically
> states that to learn something we must visit all four of the points, but
> where we enter the learning cycle could be anywhere. Honey and Mumford
> also use this in their learning styles work. You do something, then you
> stop to reflect upon it, then you theorise how to improve it, plan that
> improvement and do whatever it is again, but this time better. Honey and
> Mumford suggest that we all have preferred starting points in the cycle...
> we don't all learn the same way. But then, we all know that.;-)
-- With kind regards - met vriendelijke groeten,Jan Lelie
Drs J.C. Lelie CPIM (Jan) LOGISENS - Sparring Partner in Logistical Development Mind@Work est. 1998 - Group Resolution Process Support Tel.: (+ 31) (0)70 3243475 or car: (+ 31)(0)65 4685114 and/or taoSystems: + 31 (0)30 6377973 -
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