Guts? LO23157

Leo Minnigh (
Mon, 8 Nov 1999 15:46:31 +0100 (MET)

Replying to LO23049 --

Replying to LO23049
(Some strange nightmares)

Dear LO'ers,

Can a blind horse have guts??
Can Simple Simon have guts?

One has guts, if one is aware of one's vulnarability. Well, I am aware of
my vulnarability, but don't know the danger (yet).

With simple mathematical rules I can 'solve' At de Lange's problem:

/_\ G - W < 0 AND W < 0 IMPLY ....???.....

The ...??.... means nothing else than:

/_\ G << 0

However I guess that this is not what At had in mind. Instead of words
translated into mathematical formalism, I am sure he likes the other way
round - translate the mathematics into words.

Untill now I had no nightmares, I was not thinking. Since At promised
Winfried a nice present, I thought that this problem was not something for
me, but for you. The gift that me was presented was a box of nightmares.
But now this virus found its way into my mind, I hope that after these
nightmares I will awake as wise as U (double U -> 2*you -> 2 times U -> W
< 0 ???).

Gee, U = TS. In words: U is a quantity in energy (entropy, S, times
absolute Temperature, T). That is why my sleep is such a nightmare. But
At did not wrote G,U=TS, but guts, the solution must be sought in a
different corner of my mind.

I wish U a good night.

dr. Leo D. Minnigh
Library Technical University Delft
PO BOX 98, 2600 MG Delft, The Netherlands
Tel.: 31 15 2782226
Let your thoughts meander towards a sea of ideas.


Leo Minnigh <>

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