Guts? LO23168

Winfried Dressler (
Tue, 9 Nov 1999 19:16:20 +0100

Replying to LO23157 --

Do I really have the guts to write on this thread?

Nightmares. Alien. Do you know the movie? Then you know the outcome when
someone else feeds itself from your guts. Then you know what is going on
when it's not you who does what you have the guts for, when your guts are
being digested.

It's better to self destroy your guts to save your honor - seppuku (or
better known as kamikaze).

What are those guts, this vulnerable (Leo) center of your power ("hara" of
martial arts)?

If you have some experience in meditation or martial arts, you know that
your energy follows your attention. At the end of exercises which deal
with the flow of energy (Tai Chi, Chi Gong, but I guess also for Yoga and
others) one should always end by collecting the energy in the guts.

Collecting the energy in the guts is only the exercise. The art is how and
when and how much to invest this energy. Young learners who feel the
increase of energy and power like to waste it during fights against some
enemies. The master knows that the only enemy is within himself. That he
will need every amount of what he could collect in his guts to prepare for
his next transformation, further emergence. One day, he will meet the
challenge of his life, the higher purpose of continuous exercise. And this
challenge will ask him: Do you have the guts to do it?

The guts are for your free energy what your bank account or purse is for
your money. Free energy, because it is free to be spent - wasted of
invested. Like money is free to be spent - wasted or invested. Not like
the money bound to your house or car or...

When saying "Do you have the guts to do it?" It's like asking: "Do you
have the money to do it?" In this case, the meaning of guts is not the
purse, but the money in it. (F <==> guts)

When saying "Do you have the guts to do it?" can also mean: "Are you
willing to spend the necessary amount of money for it?" In this case, the
meaning of guts is neither the purse nor the money in it but the amount of
money you are going to spend. (/_\F <==> guts)

When you decide YES, your money, or doing, will have an impact in your
surrounding. (W < 0 <==> you do) When you do something out of your guts,
you decide to make an impact rather than being impacted. You don't need
guts to open your hand and get money. When you spend you will have less
(/_\F < 0 the ...???...).

In order to make such decisions, you first must have the guts and second
be a master in investing your free energy to sustain your ability to
freely and spontanously live your selfdirected life. The art of living.

Liebe Gruesse,



"Winfried Dressler" <>

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