I am looking forward to join the discussion about organizational learning!
I have conducted a research: "Towards the Measurement of Organization's
Learning Orientations". I have built an instrument for identification of
organization's learning style. I got the idea for my research from Nevis,
Dibella & Gould's article: Understanding Organizations as Learning Systems
(Sloan Management Review 1995). I have developed their idea of learning
orientations further and measured pilot company's learnig orientations. I
am now studying inter-organizational learning and cooperation. I am
working as a researcher in the university of Oulu, in th Department of
Behavioral Scienses.
My main interests are human networks, organization's learning style, and
the difference between individual and organizational learning. I am
writing an article of organization's learning style and its measurement. I
would like to know more about the difference between individual and
organizational learning and the organizational learning process.
With best regards
Laura Veijalainen (e-mail: lveijala@ktk.oulu.fi)
-Mielikuvitus on tärkempää kuin tieto-
Albert Einstein
Tutkija Laura Veijalainen (040-5029549)
Oulun Yliopisto
Käyttäytymistieteiden laitos
PL 2000, 90401 Oulu
--"Laura Veijalainen" <lveijala@ktk.oulu.fi>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>