We include a section on Equal Employment Opportunity and Service
Excellence for all new employees. This introduces them to the
expectations of their peers, customers, and community. This becomes
important and significant when they learn that 32% of their annual
evaluation and raise is tied directly to the acceptance of and compliance
with these standards. We then have an ongoing constant reinforcement
through monthly, quarterly, and annual recognition of employees that
exhibit and practice these standards.
Personally speaking I think it works. If you develop the culture
of services centered friendliness, helpfulness, and giving during
orientation and then reinforce it with support, follow-up, and reward from
the very beginning, you not only teach the company culture you live it
My $0.02
Bruce Jones
Staff Development Specialist
Education Department
Northwest Texas Healthcare System
Amarillo, Texas
--Bruce Jones <BruceJ@nwths.com>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>