Customer-Oriented Organizational Charts LO23223

Rick Parkany (
Sun, 14 Nov 1999 08:02:17 -0500

Replying to LO23195 --

Folks: odd to see ferernces to *causes* in CAS (complex and Adaptive
Systems) discussion. Ussually we see attractors as referents where
causes* were used in linear systems. At those boundary phases where order
slips to chaos, order emerges from chaos (chaordic theory), causes are not
at all relevant, conditions are more so.

Am I missing something, here? Even if it is the analogy that underlies the
metaphor seeking to unite these two diagramatics... ;-} rap.

Ed Rosch wrote:

> It seems to me that your org chart is a very interesting adaption of
> Ishikawa's Cause and Effect diagram (aka Fishbone diagram). I like it in
> that the various organization structures and functions can clearly be seen
> as 'causes' of the core mission, which then 'causes' value for the
> customer as the effect.

"Dein Wachstum sei feste und lache vor Lust!
Deines Herzens Trefflichkeit / hat dir selbst das Feld bereit',
auf dem du bluehen musst." Peasant, Richard A. Parkany: SUNY@Albany
Prometheus Educational Services -
Upper Hudson & Mohawk Valleys; New York State, USA

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