Instrument for Systems Thinking Inclination LO23226
Sun, 14 Nov 1999 22:37:17 -0500

Replying to LO23202 --

Chris Ragg from the UK writes me offline with the missing Elliot Jaques

Chris writes:

>More specifically. . .
>You mentioned the need for more information about the Jaques title mentioned
>My copy is from 1978 and I have not checked if there was a later edition
>The full title is
>Levels of abstraction in logic & human action
>Elliotte Jaques with R O Gibson and D J Isaac
>Heinemann London 1978
>ISBN 0 435 82280 2
>It includes contributions from authors in additions to those cited above.
>Among these are Gillian Stamp, David Billis and Ralph Rowbottom all
>associated with the work done at Brunel University in their appplied social
>science institute under Jaques leadership


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