Partnering LO23227

Kara Peters (
12 Nov 99 16:24:13 -0500

LEVERAGE: News and Ideas for the Organizational Learner is a monthly
newsletter that explores the theory and practice of organizational
learning. Like the Learning Org List, LEVERAGE seeks to create community
among business leaders, practicing managers and workers, as well as the
general public. One of the ways that we attempt to foster this community
is through our "Shop Talk," column, which poses thought-provoking
questions to readers and enables them to share their experiences and
insights. We welcome responses from Learning Org subscribers and offer two
FREE audiotapes from past Pegasus conferences to those whose responses
have been chosen to appear in the newsletter.

This month we would like to hear about some strategies that your
organization has used for partnering with companies that don't practice
the principles of organizational learning.

Kara Peters
Assistant Editor
Pegasus Communications, Inc.
Helping organizations soar to new heights of excellence.
781-398-9700 / fax 781-894-7175


Kara Peters <>

Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>