Linear Thinking LO23229

Steve Eskow (
Sun, 14 Nov 1999 22:27:29 -0700

Replying to LO23163 --


Help me understand.

What do you mean by "pressure"?

In "dialectic" discourse, a "thesis" is often countered with its
"antithesis": is such countering "pressure"?

Suppose someone puts forward as "truth" the applicability of "entropy" to
human organizations.

Suppose a listener or reader counters by saying that this thesis, put
forward as "truth," is actually an "error." Is such countering pressure?

I prize this saying of Edmund Burke

"He who wrestles with me strengthens my nerve and sharpens my skill: my
antagonist is my helper."

Pressure in discussion and debate strengthens and sharpens, perhaps?


>What puzzles me, and where I want to learn constructive patterns of
>behaviour is the case, where pressure occurs to follow one participants
>opinion. (Whether this opinion is pro and contra E is irrelevant.) On
>this list, it is not a problem, we have Rick as our host, who simply
>doesn't distribute such pressure. Unfortunately the solution is not so
>easy in daily life with collegues, superiors and politics. As long as I
>sense destructive of selfish interests, it is not too difficult to
>protect myself. But a case where the subjective intentions are clearly
>only the very, very best and the motives to apply pressure of heroic
>selflessness leaves me really helpless.


Steve Eskow <>

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