I am a finalist at the University of York, Reading Information Technology,
Business Management and French. For my final year project I have chosen to
study the use of Groupware for the transfer and application of knowledge
within Learning organisations.
I have some experience of working within a Learning Organisation. My
industrial placement last year was within a company which considers itself
to be a Learning Organisation, and it was here that I became interested in
the use of technology as a supporting tool for the application and
transfer of knowledge.
At this point I have found specific literary discussion in this area
limited, if not non-existant, and so I am now looking for alternative
means for gathering information and opinions on this subject. If anybody
on this site thinks they can help or is just interested in discussing this
futher then please mail me or post to this subject.
My mail address is 'kab104@demeter.cs.york.ac.uk'
Hope to hear from you soon
--Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>