Does it seem crazy to simply ask from employees what kind of organization
they wishes to work in? Many times one's reason to leave is related to
quite small issues. I am familiar with a situation were consultant
company's employees left one after an other just because they could not
take affect in their tasks. Their ideas were not listened and they felt
thay are not appreciated. The situation would have needed only little
effort, employees requirements weren't that big.
I think you should begin to look for sources of internal motivation.
External benefits, such as salary, don't increase commiment in the long
run. There are always companies willing to pay more for a good employee.
But if an employee is internally motivated and committed, she/he does not
feel need to change jobs. One way to increase internal motivation is to
guarantee that the work community has good atmosphere. When you like the
people you are working with and you have good relationships, it is not so
easy to walk away from them. Job staisfaction surveys are an efficient
tool for getting to know employees' feelings and situations. How they feel
about management system, their team mates, their possibilities to develop
themselves etc. It is important that the company shows that it wishes to
retain its employees, that they are worth it.
The best of luck!
-Mielikuvitus on tärkempää kuin tieto-
Albert Einstein
Tutkija Laura Veijalainen (040-5029549)
Oulun Yliopisto
Käyttäytymistieteiden laitos
PL 2000, 90401 Oulu
--"Laura Veijalainen" <lveijala@ktk.oulu.fi>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>