Lieber Ragnar,
Over the years I have been involved in the introduction of about 60 mostly
young ICT "Newbies" in a large Dutch bank.
> Have you got experience or know literature about introducing and
> integration of Newbies? IMO many manuals talk about security, rights and
> working-time but forget the importance of this job for the learning
> organization.
Besides the obligatory rituals around security, rights, organizational
structure etc, we used the opportunity to influence the established
culture (with consent of the management). This department of the bank was
trying to make a shift from a "having opinions and assumption" culture to
a "asking the right question at the right time" culture. (In a private
mail to you I have attached a short PowerPoint Presentation in German,
that gives a brief introduction to Dynamische Urteilsbildung)
> Do you think that the culture of a company should be experienced or
> explicit explained?
We never explained the culture on forehand, it only produces wrong biases.
But, during the introductionary period of 3 months, we asked the newcomers
to write a diary/logbook targeted at writing down all "typical" cultural
and behavioral occurrences that they met in their work, because they still
could see processes with a fresh perception, very valuable! Simultaneously
they went through a communication training which introduced our concept of
Dynamic Judgment Building (Dynamische Urteilsbildung). We used the input
from the diaries to introduce our DJB-concept and help them make decisions
on how to deal with them. As a result they knew how to effectively
approach their more experienced colleagues, how to make realistic (instead
of 'hard' or 'soft') agreements and how to avoid unintended polarization.
They formed intervison groups that continued long after their introduction
period was finished.
>From they one the new hires understood that there was a shared
>responsibility to carry a desired culture in the organization
Greetings from the Dutch lowlands - at the time dressed in fantastic
Winfried Deijmann
(This post has been delayed due to a routingproblem at my internethost)
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-- Mr. Winfried M. Deijmann - Deijmann & Partners - Zutphen - The Netherlands Artists, Consultants and Facilitators for Organizational Learning, Leadership and Action Learning Events Het Zwanevlot 37. NL 7206 CB Zutphen, The Netherlands <> Phone + Fax: +31-(0)575-522076 website: <>For information about our international workshops: <http:/>
"An educated mind is useless without a focussed will and dangerous without a loving heart." (source unknown)
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