Employee retention LO23306

Leslie (leslax@direct.ca)
Sun, 21 Nov 1999 13:08:03 -0800

Replying to LO23271 --

Doc wrote ...

> I know that this can get carried away...like most discussion on words
>and semantics seem to do. But, is it possible we could improve on
>retaining our colleagues and friends if we eliminated the use of the word
>employee from our mental models and our lexicon?

Eliminating words and changing mental models are indeed important in
changing behaviour and outcomes. But I wonder - until we change the
fundamental relationship between those who define the mission and
objectives of an organisation, including the driving reason for that
organisation (and in the case of business this is really profit) can we
change the internal relationships in any meaningful way?

Perhaps your wish, (one that has meaning for me!) could be better
fulfilled in non-profits, but even then I do think the nature of decision
making and power sharing in an organisation is the key. Until till then
we will still be employed (undertaking actions towards an objective) in
meeting goals we may not partnered in developing.

Still learning,


"Leslie" <leslax@direct.ca>

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