> The formula looks like this:
> >From the Human Balancing feedback Systems Model (SM) the following proposed
> formula for output performance is deduced.
> Performance output, result, outcome =f ({M, T(h), K}t(n) ;{B, S +
> Environment}t(n+r) ;t(n+r+s);............)
> [Host's Note: The last line above ends with these characters: Sigma,
> Sigma, Right Parenthesis. Gavin, I don't recognize your notation... What
> does it mean to have multiple ordered sets in {brackets} in the function
> argument? What does the semi-colin mean? The last two Sigma's? ...Rick]
Rick, I don't recognise them either, basically there were just dots there,
meaning it carries on in time. The first and second circle, which I can't
send because it won't go thru, both meet at the behaviour and skill part
of the formula.
I see you are presenting something at the systems conference in October
next year, I might come if I can get away.
> where M is Motivation = f {tension between (F)t(p) , (D)t(i) } Motivational
> Model
> D is Desire/ hope/ aspiration/expectation/need/want
> F is Fear/loss/pain/discomfort/lack/deprivation
> t(p) is past time
> t(i) is time of intention
> T(h) is the temporal horizon in years or CMP as defined by Elliot Jaques,
> cognitive ability.
> K is the knowledge
> t is time of succession (n, r, s are chronological points in time)
> B is behavior or response
> S is skill
> As you can see it takes time into account which is the continuos field,
> memory or past time plus time of intention must also be included. Things
> that are not included are the visual, auditory and feeling resources of
> the human being, I believe that this will need to be incorporated at some
> future date. This formula is a systems approach to assessing any person,
> company culture, dept. motivation etc. Also the model shows that no two
> humans live in the same time-the deep basis for many commuinaction
> problems.
> Gavin Ritz
--Gavin Ritz <garritz@xtra.co.nz>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>