Entropy production in the spiritual world LO23371

Barry Mallis (bmallis@markem.com)
Wed, 24 Nov 1999 09:22:09 -0500

Replying to LO23361 --

Rick wrote:

>These and other examples make me think that "everydots" ignore data and
>are using some other source for knowing. In certain organizations,
>serious research shows that the demand "Show me the data to prove it!" is
>only a very thinly veiled attack. (See Chris Turner's new book _All Hat
>and No Cattle_, 1999).

Wow, how true. In our company's continuous improvement training, we refer
to those cliches we've all heard many times: "Not Invented Here" and "Not
My Job" and "Prove It To Me." These human reactions in organizations are
so often--if not always--linked to fear. Deming was so right. And, as Rick
suggests, we defend by attacking, when no battle is being fought! That's a
great irony of human interaction, isn't it?

I'm certain that those in the manufacturing environment can relate woeful
tales from the crypt about this form of human intransigence. And, happily,
we can also point to 1+1=3 in human interaction. Like you, who contribute
to this list.


Barry Mallis, Manager - Training and Development
MARKEM Corporation
www.markem.com  |  email: bmallis@markem.com
voice: 603 357-4255 ext. 2578 | FAX: 603 352-0525

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