Spanish Language LO List LO23379

Mauricio Cardenas F. (
Wed, 24 Nov 1999 12:22:31 -0600

It's been 3 months now since a Spanish language learning organization list
was launched. We have more than 180 members from 16 countries. The list is
sponsored by Corporacion Calidad, fractal of SoL (Society for
Organizational Learning) in Colombia. Rick Karash has always provided us
important learnings from his experience as a moderator of the LO list.

We welcome those of you who might be interested in sharing with us in
Spanish your ideas, experiences, questions, comments, etc. to subscribe by
sending a message to If anyone
wants to browse the ongoing discussions, you're also welcome to do so by
going to and searching the "aprendizaje-org" list. The
list is moderated by Mauricio Cardenas (, business
professor with Monterrey Tech in Mexico City and Los Andes University in
Bogota, and consultant with LIM, Leadership in International Management.


Mauricio Cardenas

[Host's Note: I have been thrilled to support Mauricio and Corporacion
Calidad in launching a Spanish Language sibling to our learning-org
dialogue. The two discussions have independent paths and there is no
effort to "synchronize" topics between the two lists. We would welcome
bi-lingual participants to act as our bridge, carrying significant
exchanges from one list to the other.

aprendizaje-org is at

English speakers can get a machine translation from the Spanish via
AltaVista at

If anyone has suggestions for the most effective collaboration between
learning-org and aprendizaje-org, please write Mauricio and/or me.

My best regards to Mauricio Cardenas, Corporacion Calidad and all my
friends across the Americas! ..Rick]


"Mauricio Cardenas F." <>

Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>