Conversation in the Business Environment LO23380

Barry Mallis (
Wed, 24 Nov 1999 13:23:15 -0500

Replying to LO23375 --

Conversation in the business environment is a fascinating theme. After
reading the recent message contained in LO23375 Linear Thinking, I thought
I'd add some further reflection.

For a year now I have been facilitating a 3.5 hour workshop at my
manufacturing company entitled "Conversation for Action." The premise of
the work is that conversation is an improvable activity.

Tools have been developed for the "hard side" of organizations where facts
rule the day e.g. affinity diagrams, Pareto analysis, 7-Step Problem
Solving, etc. where qualitative and quantitative facts can be placed on
the table, so to speak. The PDCA cycle can be applied in problem-solving
situations. Facts can be sliced and diced.

But there hasn't been much available to make the soft-side issue of
conversation more manifest, MORE EASILY accessible. So, using the notions
of Argyris, Flores and many others, a more explicit view can be had, a
view which can be shared throughout an organization, from stockroom to the
owner's office.

After attending a full-day workshop of "Conversation for Action" in
Cambridge, Massachusetts, my company's top management team charged me with
bringing the message home: we can improve our customers' lots by making
better requests and commitments. Our program is placing everyone on the
same playing field, using notions which many of you are surely familiar
with: Left-hand column/Right-hand column conversation; cycle of
reasoning; the Oberver-That-One-Is; and the construction of Conversation
for Action through two previous phases: Conversation for Relationships
(not necessarily social, but more relationship of ideas); and Conversation
for Possibilities.

I gauge the program's success by the reaction of the participants during
the debrief, when we discuss the applicability of the theory to practical

So, directness and efficiency as conversation elements are alive, well,
and kicking.


Barry Mallis, Manager - Training and Development
MARKEM Corporation  |  email:
voice: 603 357-4255 ext. 2578 | FAX: 603 352-0525

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