You had noted....
>Unfortunately, the rate at which people move from job to job is now so
>great that the conventional approaches to retention can only address the
>margin of the wider problem. In virtually every Western industrialized
>country - and many emerging countries - most organizations now replace
>almost their entire employee base within the period of a typical
>industrial cycle.
I wonder if we really understand the structural issues behind the above
trend? Is it a necessity of "emergence" to have the free energy of new
employees constantly injected into an organization to keep it alive.....
or is it a result of our short term business cycle thinking with our need
to "make the numbers" that starts the system into wild oscillation?
I have a feeling that the answer lies in creating an organization where
people are constantly learning as if they are starting fresh in a vibrant
company while at the same time fostering the stability and effectiveness
of a seasoned employee that "knows how to get things done" ... fully aware
of the shadow system within.
"We have seen the enemy ... and it is us"
take care,
Chuck Wallace
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