You had stated.....
>In some cases it (distinguishing between becoming and being) is useful,
>in that it helps find cures for diseases, that sort of thing, but I don't
>see the value in drawing a line between being and becoming - I see
>knowledge as a continuum, and any line as somebody's artificial
>definition of expertise.
My experience tells me that there is some value in exploring this duality.
As humans, our nervous systems tend to filter our memories so that it
appears that becoming and being is a nice smooth continuum. But my
experience shows that it is quite discontinuous. More along the lines of
a sand pile slowly building then collapsing totally... or many small
quakes until "the big one".
The problem is once we have a "Quantum jump" in our understanding
(paradigm, world view, consciousness, etc.) we conveniently rewrite our
memories and history so that all is congruent. It is amazing how the mind
subconsciously does this.
How I know this is true (for me anyway) is I have read some of my own
writings from ten years back and I could not even believe that it was me
who had written it! Except for the fact that I did write it, my mind was
"kicking and screaming" as if my subconscious did not want me to see the
trick it was playing on me. I have also had dreams where I entered a room
and saw a stranger (my subconscious) reviewing the last years events,
screening what it didn't want me to remember in order to "protect" me.
There was also a spiritual nature to this dream, as if the stranger was
connected to TAO, God or the collective unconscious.
So my argument is to become aware of this process so that we may foster
it's unfolding. What are the conditions which allow this "ah ha"
experience to occur more frequently? Can we even do this or is this in
itself a form of interference with some supernatural process?
Something to ponder?
Chuck Wallace
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