I see an opportunity to connect performance drivers and culture. Purpose,
policies and procedures are most often the genesis of culture AND generate
performance drivers. The organization's "values in action" are reflected
in its' actualized purpose...not it's avowed one. Policies and procedures
(including things like compensation, recruiting and hiring, promotions;
lay-offs; appraisals; etc) reflect the values in action...while the stated
"vision, mission and values" may reflect wishful thinking.
Performance drivers stem from a complex source of how the people in the
organization perceive the organization...and how stakeholders outside the
organization perceive it.
One way that seems to help me work is to define the desired performance
outcomes; connect those to appropriate performance drivers (what will
facilitate the outcome); modify the culture in such a way that it will
generate those drivers; review and refine the organizational values so
that avowed values and values in action are aligned (walking the talk);
ensure that purpose (the invisible leader) is aligned with values, that it
is explicit and reiterated frequently. I consider this the organizational
environment...and the environmental protectors (leaders and managers) need
to be always attentive to the environment's internal alignment and
relevance (ability to compete successfully) to the outside world.
I've also found this is just as true in the "for-profits,"
"not-for-profits," and "government" organizations with which I've worked.
"The salvation of the world lies in the human heart." -Vaclav Havel
Richard Charles Holloway -
P.O. Box 2361, Olympia, WA 98507 USA Telephone 253.539.4014 or 206.568.7730
Thresholds <http://www.thresholds.com>
Meeting Masters <http://www.thresholds.com/meeting.html>
--"Richard Charles Holloway" <learnshops@thresholds.com>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <rkarash@karash.com> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <http://www.learning-org.com>