Greetings Org-Learners,
Globalisation of Internet is also to build a strong network community. In
building a strong educative networked community, one must foresee the
advantages and development in our society.
When the question of building a strong community comes in our mind, then I
think, the best way to solve this to have a proper distance education and
distance learning. Use of technology and its planning in schools and
university is also very important. It should be an Interactive Learning.
Globalisation also includes sharing resources and also improving access to
information available to us on the cyberspace.
I think sharing is the better form or (way) of learning, in which
learners, teachers, administrators and net experts should make a
harmonical communications to build a harmonic network community.
Universal sharing or interoperation regarding the rich resources(including
people) available through the Internet (or whatever successor it may have)
is key regarding optimal learning(or being), whether "distance" learning
(or being) or more traditional learning(or being). This interoperation is
the current best example of what Tielhard de Chardin, the mystic
poet/scientist, has called the 'noosphere'.
One example of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin is at
<> [***Worth to Visit***]
Any thoughts?? I shall welcome.
Arun Tripathi
--Arun-Kumar Tripathi <>
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