Dear Chuck,
> Why does entropy production in an organization in some cases leads to
> "evil" and in other cases lead to "good"? The energy of entropy
> production is the driver but what determines the path of the outcome?
> What cause "evil" to manifest itself in the world?
Hmmn. I'm not sure we can lable a 'toxic' organisation as an evil
organisation. I suspect there are some people who thrive in them. They
are not healthy, and in that sense they are not 'good'. But, what if they
cause a lot of pain and they cause people to have breakdowns... then that
person changes their life for the better... was that evil or good? Could
we have good without evil? Isn't this another both/and?
I don't know what it is that causes an organisation to go down the 'toxic'
route. Especially when it happens to organisations that - up until quite
recently - were the antithesis of toxic. Perhaps someone else has ideas?
I suspect it has to do with people's assumptions and the 'Abilene Paradox'
(groupthink) in part.
Best regards
Tricia Lustig
LASA Development UK Ltd.
--Tricia Lustig <>
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