When is something real? LO23441

Tue, 30 Nov 1999 01:52:16 EST

Replying to LO23428 --

Dear John,

Can you tell us how you REALLY feel? :-) At the risk of trying to match
you word for word (and it's late and I'm trying to soothe a sore throat
with tequila), in the immortal words of Pogo: "They is Us." Could it be
that education is as much a reflection of who we are and what we value as
any other social system we construct? If we look into the classroom and
despise what we see, whom should we hold responsible? And how? Mind you,
I don't have a pat answer to this because the educational system is as
complex an organization as ever you'll find, but I did want to put forth
the question.


Harriett J. Robles



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