Employee retention LO23440

Max Schupbach (max@max-jytte.com)
Tue, 30 Nov 1999 04:32:46 -0800

Replying to LO23418 --

Maybe I am saying something that is common knowledge, but at times I get
the impression, that when we talk about learning organisations, we sort of
draw an arbitrary line around the "actual" organisation, making it look
like the customers, subcontractors and especially the investors are not
part of it. Do we subtly assume, that these groups are not interested in
learning, meaning either their behaviour will remain rigidly the same or
else will follows certain laws that cannot be influenced by authentic
communication and interaction, but at best through manipulation? I would
love to hear the viewpoints of people working directly in the investment

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community difficulties to transform themselves and the
organizations/cultures that they work for and live in.
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"Max Schupbach" <max@max-jytte.com>

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