Max asked a vitally important question and illuminated something I think
needed saying.
> Maybe I am saying something that is common knowledge, but at times I get
> the impression, that when we talk about learning organisations, we sort of
> draw an arbitrary line around the "actual" organisation, making it look
> like the customers, subcontractors and especially the investors are not
> part of it.
I don't think this perspective is common knowledge at all, and frankly I
confess to having succumbed to the illusion that the "organization" =
"company". As an organization development consultant, my focus is on the
comapny and improving their excellence. In doing this, it benefits the
customer, the stockholder, etc.
However, within a learning organization, one cannot assume that the
stockholder or customer will learn simply because members of the company
learn. A deliberate purpose must exist for this to occur. I've honestly
not seen a model for an LO that encompasses the customer, stockholder, and
community. Does one exist?
kind regards,
Vana Prewitt
Praxis Learning Systems
Chapel Hill, NC
--Vana Prewitt <>
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