How does our theory become practice? LO23641

Richard Charles Holloway (
Wed, 15 Dec 1999 20:20:21 -0800

Replying to LO23593 --


I'd like to share something that I found once, somewhere (I no longer
remember where...and perhaps I've modified it, I don't recall. It
describes the way of learning through discourse that I've chosen as a
better way for myself. It describes the values, the principles, which I
bring with me to this circle. As you see, this way of learning usually
occurs within a circle of people...and I've often visualized the LO-list
as a web of people, of connecting circles of people.

The Way of Learning

We each bring our own truth;
We each share the passion of our personal vision without attachment,
releasing it to the larger truth of the circle;
We speak from the deep place inside ourselves, without concern that we will
be interrupted, criticized or judged;
We don't seek to argue or persuade;
We seek stillness and quiet, attempting to connect to the greater wisdom;
We allow the truth to be spoken-and recognize its' authenticity when we hear
We seek to listen without reacting, without intent to respond;
We listen without influence from memories, or long-held images;
We look deeply into the sense of what is said;
We choose to speak honestly and truthfully or we choose not to speak;
We choose to be brief in respect to others;
We honor silence when words are less wise;
We listen actively, with our full attention to the speech, silence, and
presence of the group.

Finally, I will say that this describes much of how I seek to practice my
art. It finds its way into the workshops I develop and facilitate. It is
woven into the way in which I coach...and coach others to coach. It is the
way I open and sustain the space for meetings. It is the way against which
I measure myself.


"The salvation of the world lies in the human heart." -Vaclav Havel

Richard Charles Holloway -
P.O. Box 2361, Olympia, WA 98507 USA Telephone 253.539.4014 or 206.568.7730
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Meeting Masters <>


"Richard Charles Holloway" <>

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