Replying to LO24759 --
Thank you Rick for stepping up to your role. I've been a lurker and very
infrequent contributor for at least 4 of your 6 year existence. These
guidelines are necessary, appropriate and very well stated. In no way do
we want to inhibit the flow of ideas - but a little gating seems
appropriate to make room for all those "smaller, less prolific streams"
like myself looking for an opportunity to participate. I wish I had time
to read abnd respond to everyhing that has been contributed, but I simply
can't. Anything we can do to help sort through the sand for that one
golden nugget will be greatly appreciated.
Since we are all about "practical" learning - a couple of good rules of
thumb in today's busy world are (1) keep your e-mails short enough to be
read in their entirity without having to scroll down, (2) keep your email
focused on one main idea or thought, introduce a second idea in a second
email and (3) use words and language appropriate to your audience.
Learning to communicate with each other effectively is an important part
of any learning organization. Best wishes to all.
Gerald D. Burch
VPMEP, PO Box 73, Harrisonburg, VA 22801
540 568 8787 (work), 540 568 8786 (fax), 540 476 1730 (cell),,
"The illiterate of the 21st Century will not be those who cannot read and
write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn." ~Alvin Toffler~
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