You're invited to attend a different kind of gathering entitled "A Story
We Can Live With" on November 5-8, 2000.
It's a three-day experiential gathering for active practitioners committed
to personal and organizational transformation. It's designed to 1) build
your reserve capacity to participate in the unfolding of the future, 2)
catalyze a dramatic shift in consciousness, and 3) combine your experience
and insights with other like-intentioned time travelers.
How are we living? How do we want to live? When was the last time you
gave yourself permission to ask these two basic questions? And what if
we're not now living as we want to live even though we're trying our best
to do so? Can we slow down long enough to consider two more questions?
What's going on now in the world? What matters most to me?
So many people are saying "I can't go on like this." What will it take
before we can honestly say "I CAN go on like this?" What will it take to
participate in major change with a degree of grace and ease?
We don't need more programs and techniques -- we have enough for now.
What we need instead are changed minds. What we need is a shift in
It may be that the story we're now living cannot ultimately sustain us.
Join us in telling a new story we can live with. You'll be asked to come
to the gathering as though it was taking place in 2010. You'll be
expected to step onto the scene looking back at today with changed minds
-- with a new story. Imagine.
To see the invitation on-line go to
For more information or for a paper copy of the invitation: email or call 1-800-773-8017 or 1-330-725-2728
For a brief description please continue reading:
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A Personal Invitation
You are warmly invited to help shape the future. In November, at Jiminy
Peak in Hancock, MA, a group of explorers will be taking a good hard look
at the basic story of their lives. It's time to be asking: What's going on
now in the world? What matters most in life? What truly sustains us?
Consider that you hold the future in your hands as you read this
What's happened to the common experiences that bind us together as
business organizations, as families, and as a nation? The healthy
experiences that foster hope and help us rise above ourselves to our
fullest potential? The experiences that are rooted in growth and
sustainability, not in conflict and division?
People everywhere -- in businesses, community organizations, schools,
homes -- are saying "I can't go on like this." Why? What needs to change
before we can honestly say "I CAN go on like this?" What would such a life
be like? How simply could we describe it? What do we need to learn?
There are too many signals that something's not quite right:
- Connected? I'd love to be able to pull the plug for a week!
- Whenever I try to slow the pace of my life, it speeds up instead.
- How can I be creative when I barely have the reserve to react?
- I made conscious changes a few years ago to improve my life, and now
I'm back to where I was before.
- "I'm very successful by today's standards yet I feel anything but
- "I'm worried because I see our young people burning out already."
- "I can't bring my whole self to work. There's no place for the real
We don't need any more programs or tools -- we have enough for now. We're
already good at living a story of life that ultimately can't sustain us.
What we need instead are changed minds -- a shift in consciousness. What
we need now is a new story. There is immense power in story and language
to shape our future.
Picture yourself looking back at today from a future you can live with --
say from the year 2010? What do you see that could serve as a better guide
for our footsteps? What new language can we use? What new story can we
tell that will help us live the way we really want to live and achieve
what matters most in our lives?
There are some standing among us today who are leaders in the truest sense
whose voices are not being heard -- true heroes and stewards, if you will,
who are working for graceful change. Are you one of them? Can you see the
non-viability of the story we're currently living? If so, join this
exploration of discovery at Jiminy Peak, November 5-8, 2000. We intend to
find answers to our vital questions as we create a concrete, powerful
realization of our aspirations and dreams.
Together we'll weave a new story of the future -- expanding our horizons
of possibility and shedding light on how well our current story is serving
us. The new story must be woven from the threads we each hold in our
hands. Your contribution is needed -- we cannot do this in isolation.
We'll live the new story, we'll learn the essential qualities that nurture
and sustain us, and we'll practice new ways to preserve balance in all
aspects of our lives.
If you have a stake in the future of your organization, community and
family, this could be the most important decision you've made in a long
time. You know that something's about to break free. Be a part of it.
Thank you. We hope to see you there.
Session Flow/Content:
- A Full Day In Open Space
- The Wheel Of Life - Balanced Growth
- The Sustainable Bridge To The Future
- Bringing Your Whole Self To Work
- The Power Of Story
- Language And Consciousness
- The Point Of No Return
- Leading Beyond The Edge
- Graceful Change
- The Pulse Of Life
- The Future In Music
- The Influence Of Art And Poetry
- Mapping The Landscape
- Higher Peaks To Climb
- Breaking Free Or Breaking Down
- Forgotten Wisdom
- Carrying Forward And Leaving Behind
- The Test Of Stewardship
- Boundaries, Not Barriers
- Increasing Our Choices
- Waves Of Confusion Or True Chaos
- Powers Of Ten
- The Consequences Of Coupling
- The Global Mind Sleeps
To Register:
- Call 1-800-773-8017 or 1-330-725-2728
- Tuition $800 for corporate, $650 for individuals & non-profit.
-- John Dicus | CornerStone Consulting Associates -- Bringing Systems To Life -- 2761 Stiegler Road, Valley City, OH 44280 800-773-8017 | 330-725-2728 (2729 fax) | mailto:jdicus@ourfuture.comLearning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>
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