Perf Mngmt, 360 Assessments, etc... LO25200

From: S LLevin (
Date: 08/25/00

Many of you have inquired about 360 assessments and other evaluation
methods for performance management/ improvement (at the organizational,
individual, or team level). As you know, it is your people that are your
organization's greatest asset. And, as you may already have discovered,
it's not just about finding the right people; it's about managing the
performance of your employees - to escalate the performance of your
organization, as a whole.

I am pleased to inform you that because the world of performance
management has grown rapidly over the last few years, Linkage, Inc. has
developed the new Organizational Excellence Conference: Improving
Performance Through Assessment, Measurement & Alignment. I am offering
you, an Learning-Org list member, a **$100 discount** on the conference
fee! This conference & expo will offer a comprehensive look at the areas
of 360* assessment, measurement, evaluation, performance management, and
subsequent organizational results. At this learning forum, you will gain
cutting-edge tools, techniques and methodologies to drive the performance
of your people towards organizational effectiveness - to achieve
organizational *excellence*.

Mark your calendar for this unparalleled learning opportunity...
   **Organizational Excellence Conference & Expo**
   **October 31 - November 2, 2000**
      (Workshops: Oct 30 & Nov 3)
   **Chicago (IL) Marriott Downtown**

To register or obtain further information, please call 781-862-3157 (and
mention your priority code: "00OE LSM" to receive your $100 discount!) or
visit the conference website:

As an agent of performance improvement, you will be much better prepared
build a performance system and strategy that drives *results* across your
organization by learning from experts and corporate practitioners who have
already done so. Through keynotes, case studies, workshops, and networking
opportunities, Organizational Excellence will provide you with an
opportunity to learn how to...
   * Align employee and organizational goals and effectively measure the
   * Accurately measure your human capital initiatives
   * Implement an effective performance management and appraisal system
   * Link pay & reward systems to performance management
   * Align performance appraisals with your organization's mission and goals
   * Develop assessment strategies to effectively measure and develop
leadership and employee strengths
   * Improve the performance of your people and your organization as a

To register or obtain further information, please call 781-862-3157 (and
mention your priority code: "00OE LSM" to receive your $100 discount!) or
visit the conference website:

I look forward to seeing you at the Organizational Excellence Conference &
Expo in Chicago!

Stephanie Levin
Program Manager: Change/Corporate Culture, Organizational Excellence, and
the Consulting Skills Institute
Linkage, Inc.

One Forbes Road * Lexington, MA 02421-7305
Tel: 781-402-5481 * Fax: 781-862-2355
Atlanta * Boston * Brussels * Dallas * London * Minneapolis * San Francisco


S LLevin <>

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