Replying to LO25713 --
Peggy Stuart asked for help in visualizing a learning organization.
Some of the characteristics are:
. Common purpose
. Willingness to openly discuss successes and failures
. Requires trust
. Integrity
. Competence
. Constantly trying to improve the way work works
. Results measuring adequate to discern change
. Focus on facts
. Use opinions only to start the search for facts
. In depth Understanding of how, why and the way work is done
. Appreciation of the interconnectedness of parts of the system
. Focus on and covet the process rather than the decision
I believe Senge observed these characteristics in the world class
companies and used these observations for investigations for his books.
World class companies have sustained a 1 1/4 % improvement per month for
over ten years. All of them I know share these characteristics and this
astounding rate of improvement.
Eugene Taurman
>I need some help ... can you help me visualize a LO? I understand the
>creation of a LO is a journey rather than a destination. I am just trying
>to realistically "see" what I am working towards.
--"Eugene Taurman" <>
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