Replying to LO25772 --
We can 'reflect' the original message, adding a comment and making a focusing
suggestion, e.g.:
"These are all topics which have been addressed from various perspectives
for a wide range of applications during the lifespan of this listserv.
There are searchable archives of those discussions which you might find
answer your questions. If you still prefer to ask them to the current
readership, the topics are so broad that I would suggest formulating one
or a few sentences which strike at the heart of your concerns, then
putting those forth. Some examples of that are direct questions (perhaps
the narrowest approach), a short description of a situation, or one of
your organization's stories (when you don't know what questions to ask).
With a narrower focus to your request, I believe you'll find people here
very willing to help."
>Please Answer Following Questions:
>1. Project Management
>2. Designing
>3. Leadership qualities
>4. Conflict Management
>5. Quality Management
>6. Project Management
>Thanking You
--Karen Shuler <>
Learning-org -- Hosted by Rick Karash <> Public Dialog on Learning Organizations -- <>
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