Replying to LO25771 --
I have redistributed some missing messages, LO25756, 759, 760, 761, 766,
767, 768, 769, and 770.
In addition, I believe some messages did not get into the distributed
digests and/or some digests may not have been distributed. In my test
account, I have digests #2717 and 2720, but neither 2718 nor 2719. Those
two may be lost forever.
If you are missing messages and want to check for replies on a given
thread, I suggest you check on
Sorry for the problems. I believe my provider, "World", now has
things back under control.
-=- Rick
>We're having some mail problems with the provider for learning-org.
>Some messages have disappeared in distribution (LO25756, 759 for
>example). And, msgs since 25754 have not appeared in a digest.
--Richard Karash ("Rick") | <> Speaker, Facilitator, Trainer | "Towards learning organizations" | Host for Learning-Org Discussion (617)227-0106, fax (617)523-3839 | <>
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"Learning-org" and the format of our message identifiers (LO1234, etc.) are trademarks of Richard Karash.