New book.. wisdom, leadership, and communication LO25814 -Author's Notice

From: javed mohammed (
Date: 12/19/00


I am a San Francico bay area author/publisher whose book "Gems of Wisdom
Heart of Gold" is just being launched.

The book is in part a collection of inspirational speeches and quotes from
various Muslim historical figures from Prophets, Caliphs, to contemporary
figures like Malcolm X and Muhammad Ali.
For anyone who's interested in the communications aspect of inspirational
leadership this book may be of interest to you.

The book has received mentions in Publishers Weekly as well as reviews in
some local media as well as Islamic Publications like Al-Jumuah magazine
as well as adapted article on (Premiere Islamic news and views
zine). I have spent the last seven years or so putting this book together.
The objective is to pass on a piece of our great literature, history, and
wisdom to the next generation.

You can check out the book at & barnes and noble. Please let me
know of your feedback or you can write a review on either website. I hope
you will find the book inspiring and will let others know of it too (I
don't have an advertising budget so I'm counting on word of mouth)

Javed Mohammed
ps I am sending this email based upon the mailing list reg "Summary of
Lessons in Leadership Event". I assume the common interest was leadership.
Appologies to anyone else.
Please let me know if you would like to be kept abreast of any updates .

Following are details of the book:

Title: "Gems of Wisdom Heart of Gold" Inspiration from the past for people
of the future
Author: Javed Mohammed

Book Summary
A collection of some of the greatest inspirational speeches, quotes, and
letters given by prophets, caliphs, sages, and generals to civil rights
leaders and great athletes. This book helps to build awareness of Muslim
culture, literature and communications.

¨ A unique mix of quotes, speeches, letters and essays to engage the reader
¨ Both teenagers and college professors helped to define and edit book so
that it meets a both a focused and broad audience
¨ Uses "best in class" philosophy of combining the best of others as well as
own content
¨ Time-span covered is 1500 years so has depth of history but also relevance
of modern life
¨ Geographic span starts in Asia and ends in Silicon Valley, CA covering
Eastern and Western thought
¨ Offers exemplary communication and explains why it is so

Authors background:
Javed Mohammed is a marketing manager and ex-engineer in Silicon Valley's
high-tech industry. He has written several community based booklets based on
his personal experiences. He has recently published a book, which is a
collection of inspirational speeches and quotes, along with his own outlook
on life. He has been a host and producer of a Cable-TV new program as well
as an accomplished speaker at various conferences and schools.

Book Details:
Publication date: December 2000
No. Of pages: 145p
Category: Inspirational / Communications / Religion
Price: $14.95
ISBN: 0-9701261-0-7

Target Audience:
Primary: Youth (8th-12th) and Adult


Available through:
Barnes and Noble Stores


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