Burke-Litwin Model LO26513

From: Edgar F. Johns (efjmoj@mediaone.net)
Date: 04/13/01

Replying to LO26494 --

Roy Benford asked for leads to the Burke-Litwin model of change.

I've seen it described in Burke, W. W. (1994). Organization Development: A
process of learning and changing (2nd Ed.). Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.

I'd describe it as a mélange of McKinsey's 7S/Weisbord's 6-boxes with
transformational/transactional dynamics. It's an update of the work George
Litwin did in the 1960's on organizational climate. In short, it describes
the organizational elements (e.g., mission & strategy, management
practices, leadership, climate, culture,...) that intervene between the
environment (i.e., input) and performance (i.e., output). I like the way
it delineates climate and culture (rather than combining the two, as every
other model I've seen does). Overall, I think it's a useful heuristic for
identifying many of the organizational variables impacting performance.

Edgar F. Johns <EdgarJohns@obik.com>
Obik, LLC
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"Edgar F. Johns" <efjmoj@mediaone.net>

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