Five Waves of Organizational Structures LO26514

From: John Zavacki (
Date: 04/13/01

Replying to LO26508 --

I don't feel comfortable with the "hierarchical ==> network ==> matrix ==>
LO" ordering either. It may be my personal feeling that a network is more
complex AND more functional than a matrix. I also feel that a network is
an organization FOR learning. There are many analogies that can be build
on the network concept which make learning easier, whereas a matrix is
more difficult to teach because of the rigorous structures. One problem,
though, is the open architecture of a well designed network. In such an
organization, learning can occur anytime, anywhere, because of the ability
to make interesting and novel associations. This is, I think, the true
power of networks. A well designed (no, I don't have a really good answer
to what a good design is) network allows all knowledged to touch all other
knowledge creating synergies at many levels.

To me, this is really the power of "knowledge management", the knowing
that knowledge exists and the managing of the system in which it exists in
such a way that it is available to learn and to play with.



"John Zavacki" <>

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