Replying to LO27955 --
This may be a tangential answer. Have a look at and
the working manifesto as an emotional statement of what we the workers
need to be in it (the organisation) - a web hosted by Bill Jensen author
of the recent book Work 2.0.
Bill's claim is that the best employees from now on demand learning as
their number 1 compensation and reward. Now admittedly this is
individualised learning that will advance their career, make best use of
their time, as well as their ability to contribute to the organisation or
But hopefully the link is there between what employees as people want and
what learning oragnsiation ideology/practice is about...if people think
this assertion is over-optimistic, I would like to hear where I err...
chris macrae,
>From: "Wirth, Ross" <>
> Over the last couple of years I have seen a number of journal articles and
> web sites that address the organizational benefits from developing a
> learning organization. However, I have not seen any concise statement of
> what is in it for the organization's members. Has anyone prepared or know
> of such a list? I can see many uses for such a document and have a few
> ideas already, but I did not want to reinvent the entire effort if someone
> already had this in hand.
> It all starts with "What is in it for me?"
--"chris macrae" <>
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