Barriers to change LO28030

From: Wirth, Ross (
Date: 03/21/02

Replying to LO28021 --

Fast is always desired, but difficult to attain with much effectiveness.
I was curious to learn what intervention techniques you use so I reviewed
your past postings and your web site. I'm still not sure I fully
understand the underlying theory, but offer other list members these links
relative to the discussion on how beliefs can be an essential part of a
barrier to change.

>From: Morty Lefkoe []

< snip >

>The answer I would give to your question is that our behavior, with few
>exceptions, is a function of our beliefs. A belief is a statement about
>reality that we think is "the truth," a fact. We act consistently with
>what we think are facts.
>We have now worked with well over 1,000 private clients and 10,000
>employees to assist them to eliminate the beliefs that are resulting in
>undesirable or dysfunctional behavior. When the beliefs are eliminated
>-- and they can be, quickly and permanently, in a matter of minutes (I
>know, most people believe that that is impossible) -- the behavior
>changes easily and naturally.
>Unfortunately, knowledge does not change beliefs. Thus, if we conclude
>early in life that Life is difficult, or Relationships don't work, we
>will live out of those beliefs even if the outcome is negative and even
>if intellectually we disagree with those beliefs later in life.

< snip >

>Regards, Morty
>Morty Lefkoe
>For further information please visit our
>web site at
>and read my book, Re-create Your Life:
>Transforming Yourself and Your World

< snip >


"Wirth, Ross" <>

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