Replying to LO28053 --
Dear At dear Learners as friends,
you have invited...
> . I invite
> each of you fellow learners to tell us what you think is the "Purpose of
> the Universe". For me it is not only to reveal the Divine, but actually to
> prepare humans to meet God Creator as friends.
This just describes a few things that have been very close to hand in the
last few days.
.. moving eastward, it was early morning, two or three days ago...a man
clothed completely in rags and plastic sheeting, face was almost black but
with dirt and his eyes shone out from the darkness of his face. To his
left and my right was a field filled with sheep, lambs, ponies and maybe a
donkey or so. I thought for sure he would stop and gaze at them. None of
it. He just kept on the time he was more than half way past
the field the animals had started to walk in his direction, only stopping
at the electric wires... it was like he was gravitational. By the time I
got back there the field was returned to normal and the effect had passed
past;-) This has become a recurrent pattern.
Contra Copenhagen::Bohm, "-- a movement in which EVERYTHING, any
particular element of SPACE, may have a field which unfolds into the
WHOLE, and the WHOLE enfolds it [the field] in it." This he calls MUTUAL
Bohm again,
"There are two experiences. One is movement in relation to other things;
the other is the sense of flow. The movement of meaning is the sense of
flow." For David Bohm mutual participation is manifested in the collective
consciousness of humanKIND and is the foundation to the triangulations;-)
of his dialogue.
Taking what is to HAND, immediately within my SU ;-)
layers;-) may often mistake bottoms for tops of pyramids and so do not
lead to the bottomless learnings of a greater earning. Become invested
with a view based on best experience and onformation;-) ...going to and
from as Lee Nichol wrote in his preface for Bohm's ON Creativity...Or
perhaps we will employ yet another provisional view, rooted in our own
perceptions and understandings (knowledge), creating a path while
I have taken to broadening my learnings and the following is from a very
recent painting/sketch/posting by Peter Beamish Ph.D. of Trinity,
- (Formatted for one page side by Ceta-Research, ed. peter beamish) -
Principal weaknesses of worldwide religions are the lack of: a)empathy, b)
the concept of "live and let live," and c) true altruism. In a proximate,
predicted future these weaknesses may well be overcome by a single strength
of religions, worldwide, existing in both the old and the new, art and
science of communications. The 1990's discovery (from and through Nature) of
"Rhythm Based Communication" (the encoding of Information in "Time," a living
format of Nature), now is an evolving strength which could overwhelm these
often witnessed weaknesses. Useful references are: "The kingdom of 'Our
CareTaker' is within you" (Luke, Chapter 17, Verse 21), Bhagavad-Gita, Tao Te
Ching, The "Omega Point" of Pierre Teilhard De Chardin, "Wholeness and the
Implicate Order" by David Bohm, and "The Essential Mystics: The Soul's
Journey into Truth," (an extensive cross-cultural summary ed. by Andrew
Harvey). These and many other documents echo the longing of human souls,of
all religions, to communicate with the divine, 'Our CareTaker,' to
communicate with Nature. Take away this desire and you take away our
"collective unconscious," the soul of humanity and the imminent unification
of the science of communication with outstanding philosophies of our human
history (Socrates, Plato, Aristotle - hakespeare, Wordsworth, Yeats - Newton,
Darwin, Einstein - Jung,McLuhan, Dossey et al.).
The human communications of "Politics," stress and war have rhythms of
minutes ("Platforms"), seconds (languages), and milliseconds (bullets). The
discovered principal rhythm of Nature is diurnal; of this fact, religions are
aware! Nature communicates, not by Platforms,languages and bullets, but by
encoding information relative to sunrise,high tide and starlight. 'Our
CareTaker' cares about life, life after life and the welfare of "Gaia" (the
Earth personified as a goddess),but, via "SynchronizaTion" and lateness
relative to Earth's movements,NOT via human's "Power struggles," languages
and lies.
p.s. "Time T" is: a) cyclical, "Kitada Time KT," b) "The Perception of
Lateness Relative to OnTimeness," or c) exp(-itH/hbar)*. It is newly
discovered as Nature's principal encoding variable (of biophysics and of
low stress animal/organism communications), rather than human's
conventional, past-present-future, linear "time t" (of Newton, Einstein
and theoretical physics). We use upper case "T" in: SynchronizaTion,
OnTimeness and CareTaker to designate the conceptual inclusion of the new
"Rhythm Based Time" (RBT), T or KT. We use upper case "P" for "Political
Power" found in Nature's "Chamber of Evolution," and lower case "p" for
the power to seek more knowledge (after Francis Bacon), found in Nature's
"Chamber of Altruism" and, we believe, in all low stress biology.
p.p.s. t=448th day of the millennium (linear "conventional time t"),
T=83rd day of this sun cycle, and T'=21.0 hrs GMT of this Earth cycle,
where T and T' are "Rhythm Based" (* of a Hamiltonian "H" and of the
rationalized Plank constant "hbar").
End citation
"Nature communicates, not by Platforms, languages and bullets, but by
encoding information relative to sunrise, high tide and starlight. 'Our
CareTaker' cares about life, life after life and the welfare of "Gaia"
(the Earth personified as a goddess), but, via "SynchronizaTion" and
lateness relative to Earth's movements, NOT via human's "Power struggles,"
languages and lies."
I appreciate that may learned minds here and elsewhere cc'd might wonder
rather than wander about the applicability of such mental meanderings and
I am reminded of something the late Francisco Varela once wrote, "Give up
the boxes and work with the entire loopiness of the thing."
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