>I said (in LO13737):
>>...the agency head...has shifted
>>his style from active control to facilitating conversation, drawing out
>>differences, and resolving conflicting views - without losing any of his
>>authority or status.
Jay Spitulnik (in "Cultural development LO13746") asked:
>>Could you share with us how the agency head made this shift? Was it
>somehow facilitated, or did he do it on his own?
I really don't know. But I first saw it late last year where he stood up
in front of 150 managers and staff and said plainly that he didn't have
the answers to some of the problems we face in our reorganization. I
think he's just a smart fellow who has learned that there's more than one
way to lead.
-- David E. Birren Organizational Consultant, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources Ph: 608-267-2442, Fax: 608-267-3579 <birred@mail01.dnr.state.wi.us>"Teach thy tongue to say 'I do not know' and thou shalt progress." -- Maimonides
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