Individual Learning Plans LO13959

Malcolm Burson (mooney@MAINE.MAINE.EDU)
Sat, 14 Jun 1997 06:31:54 -0500

Replying to LO13954 --

Debbie, on Fri, 13 Jun 1997 you wrote

> Has anyone out there developed or work(ed) for a company that engages
> employees in preparing learning plans or development plans. I'm thinking
> of a document that an employee and supervisor would outline together that
> targeted the employees career goals, promotional goals, learning goals and
> identified specific training courses, educational courses etc. that they
> wished to do during the year, either work related or not.

I created just such an instrument for my most recent employer. It is a
simple, three-part document, usually created at the time of annual review.
Employee does page 1: identifies strengths that could be developed
further, areas for improvement based on evaluation and other insights, and
individual development goals. Supervisor does page 2: their own version
of strengths and challenges, ideas for development, and, most importantly,
identification of unit or other business and learning goals for the coming
year. The pair do page 3 together, which identifies agreed upon employee
strengths and challenges, specific learning objectives related to these,
and "strategies" or specific ways to accomplish them. If I had it to do
over again, I'd add a place to better identify how both would know the
goals had been accomplished; a place to specify any resources that would
need to be accumulated; and an identification by the supervisor of
specific steps s/he would take to support the accomplishment of goals.

Both parties sign it; copies to each; in the best of all worlds, it's
reviewed at least quarterly to see about progress.

Hope this helps; I'll be interested to see what others have used that
might complement this.

Malcolm Burson


"Malcolm Burson" <mooney@MAINE.MAINE.EDU>

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