Twenty Year Problems LO14030
Sun, 22 Jun 1997 11:45:05 -0500

A comment from a 1993 book by Harland Cleveland:

"Many years ago, when I was in the foreign aid business in Washington, I
complained that we were "tackling twenty-year problems with five-year
plans manned by two-year personnel and funded by one-year appropriations."
That is still an uncomfortably accurate description of the world
development enterprise."

He wrote of 'changing the world' -- he titled the book, after all, Birth
of a New World. Given that many of us have similar (if a little less
lofty) goals, can you identify some steps that we can take, individually
or colectively, to move us toward better approaches to these 'twenty year

Michael A

Michael Ayers          Voice (612) 733-5690          FAX (612) 737-7718
  IT Educ & Perf Svcs\3M Center 224-2NE-02\PO Box 33224\St Paul MN 55133-3224
  "Sometimes the right question is, 'Are we asking the right question?'"
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