Punished by Rewards LO14232

prkosuth (prkosuth@mychoice.net)
Tue, 08 Jul 97 20:43:29 PDT

Replying to LO14215 --

Morty Lefkoe wrote:
> "I'd like to propose a heretical notion: that there is no such thing as
> external motivation!! ... In short, to the extent there is a phenomenon of
> "intrinsic motivation" it is beliefs."

to which Winfried wrote:

> "External - Internal" is just not a helpful katergory for motivation etc.
> as I stated before. The same is true for beliefs. They belong to the
> "front" between inside and outside. ..

Buckminster Fuller used to speak about how innaccurate the terms Up and
Down were. I think that the same may apply here. Fuller stated that in the
old days we believed that the world was flat and ran off into inifinity
all around us. When you ran out of what you needed where you were at you
picked up and moved on "out there". Up and Down also result from this flat
earth philosophy: down is clearly below a flat earth into hell or what
have you, and up is above us into the heavans or what have you.

Maybe "intrinsic/extrinsic" are irrelivant as well. If we take the systems
thinking a bit furthur where does the intrinsic end and the extrinsic
begin ( or from the other perspective: where extrinsic end and intrinsic
begin ?) I don't think that we can speak of just motivation either. What
seems to be most important is "doing what needs to be done."


Brehm Preparatory School
Carbondale IL


"prkosuth" <prkosuth@mychoice.net>

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