"Innovation Age" Skills? LO14371

William Buxton (wbuxton@hns.com)
Wed, 16 Jul 1997 09:21:15 -0400

Replying to LO14354 --

My take on ISO 9000 is that it's very compatible with LO. Its basic
approach is: say what you're going to do, do it, and be able to prove that
you did. Looks very much like establishing good conditions for an
organization to learn from what works and what doesn't--to adapt, in other

Sure, the best of ideas can be puffed up and dumbed down by Dilbert's
pointy-haired managers, and ISO 9000 is certainly not idiot proof. But it
beats a lot of other strategies, methinks.

Bill Buxton


"William Buxton" <wbuxton@hns.com>

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