there are a number of orgs in DC/VA/MD in the fed gov't that have publicly
acknowledged Learning Org principles as a goal. In my case, I'm familiar
with the Air and Army National Guard HQ efforts in this area. Both orgs
as well as a group of others are being led down this road by a consulting
firm called GDSS, Inc. in DC. If you're interested, e-mail me directly
and I'll pass along a point of contact there.
Robert Glitz, LtCol, USAF
Deputy, CIO
> From: Helene Sheeran [SMTP:hsheeran@popact.org]
> I am in the middle of reading <italic>The Fifth Discipline</italic>
> and
> am interested in finding organizations in the DC/VA area that are
> actively using the skills and techniques of a learning organization.
--"Glitz, Robert" <GlitzR@ang.af.mil>
Learning-org -- An Internet Dialog on Learning Organizations For info: <rkarash@karash.com> -or- <http://world.std.com/~lo/>