On Tuesday, July 15, 1997 5:43 PM, Malcolm Burson wrote:
> The recent discussion of beliefs sponsored by Morty's passionate
> advocacy has re-kindled in me some questions I've been pondering for
> some time. It goes under the general heading of,
> "What is the conceptual and practical relationship among
> beliefs, mental models, paradigms, and (perhaps to take it a leap
> further) what German speakers call 'Weltanschauung'?"
> That is, I'm [hesitantly] asking if there is some sort of conceptual
> hierarchy among these, so that each is the stuff of, or precursor to,
> the next "level."
I think you raise an important issue. If there is indeed a hierarchy,
then if we intervene at one level, which is basically what Morty has been
elluding, then we create differences in other levels.
The question is, what is the hierarchy, how are they defined or referred
to and can we come to some sort of agreement that this hierarchy is not
some artifact of some other form of understanding.
Interesting sig<g>
mike jay
PS Morty, have you defined belief and I just missed it?
--"Mike Jay" <Quarterback@msn.com>
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